Baby Care Oil
Virgin Coconut Baby Care Oil
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When it comes to selecting skin-care products for your baby, you just don’t want to go wrong. Moreover, babies and kids are susceptible to skin conditions and problems. The Puthiya’s Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is a good choice for your baby as it has no artificial color or artificial fragrances added, it relaxes your baby’s health, soothes your baby’s body. Let’s see how coconut oil works for babies and how you can get the maximum benefits out of it.
Benefits For Your Baby
Baby Massage
A good body massage soothes crying and fussy infants and, most importantly, helps them to sleep. Using coconut oil for a massage is a good option, as it has anti-bacterial properties and is easily absorbed into the skin.
Baby Hair Growth
It is an effective remedy for baby dry scalp. Coconut oil, when massaged before bath time, helps replenish the skin and promotes hair growth.
Moisturised Skin
Coconut oil is rich in vitamins and healthy fats and works as a natural moisturiser for the skin.
Improves Colic
A gentle massage can be helpful to release trapped gas and hence soothe a baby who has been colicky.
Improves digestion and bowel movements
The vagus nerve connects the brain with important parts of the body, including the stomach. Massage stimulates these nerves, hence improving digestion and bowel movement, helping your baby to grow.
Improves Blood circulation
Massage helps to improve the blood circulation in your baby’s body. At a young age, the flow of blood to extremities like hands and legs is relatively less, hence the more time the mother dedicates to massaging these parts, the better is the blood flow and hence baby’s growth.
Our Products
Good quality coconut oil for babies and adults. best for baby massage. Using this for my 8 month old baby. It hasn’t caused any allergy. I loved this product and would recommend you to give it a try !!